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Главная » 2023 » Май » 26 » Godoy's Army: Spanish Regiments and Uniforms from the Estado Militar Of 1800
Godoy's Army: Spanish Regiments and Uniforms from the Estado Militar Of 1800

Название: Godoy's Army: Spanish Regiments and Uniforms from the Estado Militar Of 1800
Автор: Esdaile C., Perry A.
Издательство: England: Helion & Company
Год: 2017
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 120
Размер: 70 Мб
Язык: English

Based on an extremely rare illustrated version of the Spanish Army’s order of battle as it existed in the year 1800, this work cannot but form a most unusual addition to the collection of anyone interested in military uniforms (or, more specifically, the Revolutionary and Napoleonic era).

Almost every regiment of the Spanish Army is represented - including such extraordinary units as the Royal Corps of Cosmographic Engineers - while the beautiful full-page, hand-coloured engravings of the originals have been supplemented by a transcript of the details (in brief, the senior officers and the uniforms) given in the published edition of the army’s order of battle, to which the album reproduced in the pages of this work was intended to complement. Also included is a substantial introduction to the Spanish Army in the period immediately preceding the Peninsular War - written by the leading expert on the subject - that will be of great interest to any student of that conflict; the soldiers seen in the book are, after all, pretty much the same as the soldiers who suddenly found themselves fighting Napoleon in 1808.

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Godoy's Army: Spanish Regiments and Uniforms from the Estado Militar Of 1800

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Категория: Книги и журналы | Просмотров: 86 | Добавил: alex74andr19 | Теги: книги, Uniforms, Spanish Regiments, Spanish Army, Army, униформа | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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